Worship TimesSun. Morning 10:30 AM
Sun. Evening 5:00 PM Wed. Evening 6:00 PM |
July 12th to 16th 8:30 am till Noon For Kids 5 years old by September 1, 2021 to completed 5th Grade |
If you are unable to register for VBS online you can print the attached form below and bring it with you. If this is also not possible, you can show up any day and register in-person. We look forward to seeing you!
WelcomeAre your kids ready to dive into fun this summer?
They won't want to miss a minute at Mystery Island, the most welcoming place around! Vacation Bible School at Mystery Island, will be a tropical time of fun and excitement, so join us for an amazing adventure! |
2021 FocusAt Mystery Island we'll discover how the Bible reveals the one true God.
We will ask and answer: Is there just one God? Who is God? What is God like? Does God love me? Can I know God? At Mystery Island, each day kids will learn more about one of God's amazing attributes (great, almighty, ruler, Emmanuel, trustworthy) and how that applies to their lives. |
What HappensAt Mystery Island kids will discover the one true God through songs, crafts, games, goodies, and God's Word!
Your kids won't want to miss a bit of the fun, so save the date and make plans to joins us at Mystery Island! |