If this is the first time you are using online giving we wish to say thanks for your gracious gift to the ministries, operations and missions of East Brent Baptist Church.
East Brent offers online giving as a convenient way to help its members and attenders to either continue in their stewardship discipline of giving or to begin a new journey of developing a stewardship discipline of giving. Credit for Tithes and Offerings given online will be applied to your individual tithing statement here at East Brent and you will receive an emailed receipt for your gift each time you give. Users of this online giving option determine the amount of their gift, the date of their gift and the fund the gift goes into. If they choose, users can also use the ACH option in the giving screen to schedule recurring giving. It should be noted here that East Brent Baptist Church is of the strong belief that the preferred giving option be the ACH option. Automated Clearing House (also referred to as ACH) is the network that processes electronic financial transactions here in the United States. When using the ACH option, the gift is withdrawn directly from your checking account just as if you had hand written the check or used the debit card attached to your checking account. Using the ACH option is the most cost effective way for East Brent to receive your gift. This also ensures the money given in the gift is money you already have.
If you do choose to use one of the other giving options such as a bank card or credit card to give your gift or pay for an online event registration that is OK too. Just remember this online option is a convenience option and East Brent strongly believes you should only use the bank card or credit card option IF you regularly pay your balance off in full each month and avoid credit card interest charges. Your ONLINE GIVING experience should not incur any extended debt on your behalf.
Thanks for using this online giving option. Most people will find it easier than the way they have given before. it is also easier and faster for the church accounting office. Remember you can try this new method of online giving and always go back to the way you use to give your tithes and offerings but we believe you will really enjoy the options this online giving has to offer. It will help all of us to be more consistent in our Stewardship efforts.